Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Oh Hey! Remember Me?

Oh hey everyone! It's been a while. WAY TOO LONG, to be exact. I've been dying to blog, but we went swimming every night until 11:30 in Los Angeles. I am now in Las Vegas, and have regular internet access.

I have SO MANY THINGS TO SHOW/TELL YOU (I took over 200 pictures, many of which I'm not even done editing yet), so I'll just start at the beginning. This is going to take a lot of posts to get through. Let's start with Thursday, June 23rd.

I went to bed quite late the night before and fell asleep listening to music. And woke up listening to music, at 4 a.m. We got our stuff together and took the subway to Port Authority, where we took a bus to Newark Airport. It wouldn't have been so terrible if I hadn't smuggled two hard cover Harry Potter books in my bag as well as my computer (I have a deadline, you know). Let's skip to when we're on the plane: we sat on the runway for over an hour, which totally sucks. After we finally left, the flight was around 5 hours long. I forced myself to read 120 pages of F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise, and ended up finishing it on the plane. I then immediately picked up Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, but didn't get too far with that.

After we hopped off the plane at LAX, we went to Enterprise to get our rental car, but of course our first car was dysfunctional (the back doors didn't open) and it took us forever to drive to Burbank from LAX. When we finally reached our Marriott hotel in Burbank (also the place where the greatest television show ever, Chuck, takes place (you'll hear more about this later)), we went immediately to one of the two outdoor pool. I just napped. Typiqual. However, there was something exciting about this part: I TURBANDED!!! ...And of course didn't take any pictures. I did get better about getting pictures later on in the trip, though. I promise.

I apologize if this is terribly boring--this is partly for me, as well, because I don't want to forget this trip. 

Post-pool, we ate dinner at the hotel's restaurant, where the waitress dumped Diet Coke all over my mom's boyfriend, which resulted in our meal being free. And then came the best part: my sister's show!

I don't think I've explained much why we actually went to California, so I'll do that now. My sister and her friend wrote a 30-minute play called "The Adventures of Boy and Girl: As Told By Interrupted Monologues," which is about two adults, Trish and Rick, who broke up after 4 years of dating, and they essentially tell you everything that happened between them and why the split. Not only is it hands-down the funniest play I have ever seen, it's also startling insightful and accurate to be written by 16-year-olds. They sent their script into the Blank Theater Company's Young Playwrights Competition, and it one as a finalist among 11 other plays chosen from around the country. They were all eventually put on at the Stella Adler Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard. My sister's was one of the three in the last week, and they gave 4 performances, of which I saw two. There were two other plays, which I enjoyed, but I don't think that I could ever shut up if I got started. As it is I'm boring you into a stupor. I can tell.

Moving on. Quick side note: It's important, I promise. I ate breakfast at 7:30 in the airport, then a small meal on the plane at around 11 (both Eastern Time), then a granola bar at around 3:30, then dinner at 6:30 (both Pacific Time). Back to the story. After the play, we went to a place around the corner from the theatre called Mel's Drive-In, which wasn't actually a drive-in. It was a diner. It was about 2 am Eastern Time, and I got a vanilla milkshake. That was the first time I had had a milkshake at 2 in the morning. It was delicious.

We got back to the hotel and crashed, I think. I don't remember. Which probably means that's what happened.

Sorry there's no pictures in this post, but as I said I didn't take any pictures.

I will use another post later to describe in detail the next few days in L.A.

Also, just to clear something up, that picture of Heath Ledger from the previous post was not entirely random--I had seen his costume that day at the Warner Bros. Studio (again, you'll hear about it in the next post) and I thought, "Jeez, this guy was such a man repeller, using the oldest man-repelling trick in the book: LAYERING!!" I mean, he was wearing two vests and a jacket. If anyone can take a tip from Leandra Medine, it's the Joker.

See you all later! I'm off to do...probably nothing. That's all you can do in Las Vegas.

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