Saturday, May 28, 2011


This is pretty typiqual of me, but I haven't posted in the past few days because I can't find the necessary technology needed to transfer pictures from my camera to my computer. I hate technology.

The other night I took the time to actually create my first mood board a.k.a. inspiration board, and it's pretty awesome. I thought, "Gee, maybe I'll take a picture of it and put it on my blog so that the 2 people that actually read this thing can see it." And I thought this was a great idea. It was, until I couldn't find the card reader thing. FML!!!!1

I can't remember if I already wrote about this because I have the short term memory of a senile old man, but a few weekends ago I cut out a bunch of pictures from magazines, and sorted the pictures into three piles: Fashion, Beauty, and Art. I'm very organized. Everything on my computer has a folder. No joke. If something is that odd one out, the little awkward turtle, I make an "assorted" or "miscellaneous" folder, just for that, so that there's no extra document or picture just chillin' with a group of folders.

I digress.

Back to my 3 categories. The other night I made my Fashion inspiration board. The second that I find that connector gizmo I'll put the picture up.

Blast these confounded futuristic contraptions!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor, don't know if you're looking for romance or don't know what you're looking for....

Alex Turner may not know what you're looking for, but I know exactly what I'm looking for. I have had my eye on a certain style of shorts that I can't seem to find anywhere. Well, I can't seem to find the right pair. That one that cues a gospel choir every time they're mentioned.

I realized you have no idea what kind of shorts I'm talking about. They're the ones that are high-waisted, denim shorts, but have a very loose cut and the legs aren't too short (my math teacher already told me I was wearing ho clothes one day, and that was one time too many. I was wearing white lace shorts. Please.), and the waist isn't too tight. They're the sort of shorts you actually like to wear because they're just the most comfortable things in the world. Here are some examples I've collected from my collection of street style photos.

Let's give a quick shout out to redundancy. Thanks for showing up so often in my blog posts.

Quick side note that I will address in greater depth in a minute: The reason I thought about this was because yesterday at the Arctic Monkeys concert in Central Park, I saw several people wearing shorts like these, and I was mad jellin'. But seriously, I don't believe I've ever seen so many hipsters and/or crop tops in one place. But then again I've never been to Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

This is by far my favorite out of all of the pictures in this post. They look superbly comfortable, the legs are not too short, and the wash is just right for the cut. I'm swooning a little.

These are also pretty good, but I feel like the waist could be a little higher and the legs could be a little longer, but otherwise they're pretty decent.

These shorts are a bit too short for my taste, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
Or rather, whatever you choose to cover your genitals with.
Somehow that doesn't have as much of a ring to it.

I saw THE PERFECT PAIR of shorts like these yesterday at the concert, and I was like, "Can I please have your pants." Yes, that is a statement, not a question, and no, I did not actually demand them from her ask her for them.

Today marks the first day of my quest for the perfect shorts.

Awlsew, btdubs, the concert was BEAST. Best thing ever. I would upload pictures, but I don't think you'd care to see red explosions of light, because they bear no resemblance to Alex Turner, Jamie Cook, Nick O'Malley and Matt Helders.

PEACE. We out.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Hate Computers

So here I was, just trying to upload the snazzy new banner I created for myself (mind you, it took me forever to crop those pictures), and all of the sudden Blogger has a spaz fit and tells me I have had a bx-5uchbs error. Or something crazy like that. In my head, I refer to it as b-5chubs, though, which makes this experience a little more amusing. The point is, the reason my blog is lookin' a lil funky at the moment is because of b-5chubs.

The frustrating part is, I realized that if I had just uploaded a picture as my header instead of using the title, which actually ended up taking about 1 minute in total and was ridiculously simple, none of this would've happened. I went head first into the land of HTML, which was VERY VERY DUMB. My dad sort of tried to teach my how to write HTML when I was about 5. He also made my sister and I learn the flute solo in "California Dreamin.'" Not on the flute, though. I can hum it on command now. Thanks Papa! (Get that pun there? "California Dreamin'" is by the Mamas and the Papas)

I'm just tossing in some random pictures to pique your interest. Large blocks of text bore me.

I don't know when Mr. b-5chubs will be out of my life, but until he is, please try not to puke every time you see my blog. I know that my gag reflexes go a little bit crazy every time I do. I wouldn't want you to vomit all over your computer. That would be gross.

In case you were wondering what inspired me to create a new banner/header for this blog, it was all thanks to Leandra Medine. She held a contest in order to choose her blog's new banner. Check that shiz out here. Hers are clearly superior to mine, because they were created by people with extreme Photoshop skillz and more importantly, no lives. Oh wait.

Here's Elizabeth Olsen (wait, SINCE WHEN DID MARY-KATE AND ASHLEY HAVE A SISTER OTHER THAN EACH OTHER) at the Cannes Film Festival, wearing The Row, the Olsen twins' brand.

Last thing, I promise: on Friday, I wore a pretty kyoot outfit if I do say so myself, but I was unable to photograph it. My plan is to re-wear it; maybe I'll put it on just for the sake of capturing it on camera for you little duckies to see.

Ttyl, home skilletz.
PS: (You knew there'd be one more thing, didn't you) I'm going to an Arctic Monkeys concert on Tuesday with my friends Mich and Lola. Theres a 83% chance that some of the pictures will manage to make there way onto this here blog.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Feel Like a Kid Again

That's funny, 'cause I'm still a kid. However, my fellow 8th grade buds and I (as well as my friend Marcelo's little sister and her friend) played in a playground after school today. And I don't mean we hung out at a bench. We went on the equipment and played tag, and some sort of invisible laser gun game that I was quite awful at. I somehow always managed to get taken hostage.

Anyway, all of that is relevant because that playground was the setting for my little photoshoot today. Meaning that is where my friend Lola took pictures of me attempting to climb up some twirly pole thing, and swinging on a swingset. Wearing the snazzy new blazer I bought yesterday at Hamlet's Vintage. I have been going to Hamlet's Vintage for about 2 or 3 years now. Since the end of 6th grade (yes, you can laugh), on the last day of school, three of my closest girl friends and I always go to Hamlet's Vintage and Urban Outfitters and they buy me something at each place. This fall I was walking by Hamlet's and I saw these incredible French and German army jackets for $35, so I bought one and have worn it all over the world. No joke.

I digress.

ANYWHOOZLES, I was in desperate need of new clothing, so yesterday after school I dragged Lola with me to Prince Street in search of a designer resale store that I knew existed, but I just couldn't find. We found one that was ridicky expernsive (no that is not a typo), so we just went to Hamlet's and I got a new blazer and a scarf so I can turBAND, and the guy let me switch out my army jacket for one in a smaller size because I was sort of swimming in mine. He's kind of a g.

Here's where the good part comes: THE PICTURES!!! Enjoy.
I apologize in advance for the bad photo quality, these were taken with Lola's iPhone again.

Please, ignore the face I'm making.
Pants: Forever 21
Blazer: Hamlet's Vintage
Shoes: Christian Siriano
Necklace: From some Italian market vendor

My attempt at getting up that twirly pole thing.

This one's just for fun. This is Lola on the swingset, havin' a mighty fine time.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sew Chic

I've been a member of Chictopia for a while now, but haven't posted any pictures up yet--until tonight. I posted one of the ones from my photoshoot with Edith. I'm excited. You can see the post here:

This is just a quickie lil post, just so my 6 followers can see what I'm up to. * Sigh *

Please spread the word about this blog. I NEED SOME PUBLICITY HERE PEOPLE. I'm just not quite ready to make it my Facebook status. I know some judgmental people.

Thank you in advance for your help....? Maybe? Okay.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Urban Edith Takes My Picture

I'M BACK!!!!! No more play rehearsal, no more Washington, D.C. And the living is easy. Rather, the blogging is easy, 'cause now I've got 25 new pictures from my photographer friend Edith, but I won't post all of them. But I will be posting them. Right here. Below this text. In a minute. Hold your horses.

While I was in D.C., I continued to dress as my usual self. On one day, I actually managed to look like an Orthodox Jewish girl, according to my teacher Bobby. I can show you a picture of that sometime, but today's post is about the pictures Edith took of me a few weeks ago. She's a really good photographer, and she's got a blog called Urban Edith.

All photo credits go to Edith.
Outfit styling came from both of us.
Edith also did my make up.
These photos were taken right near her house, down in Battery Park City, next to the water.
And also inside of her bedroom.

Jumpsuit: Naf Naf (it's a French brand, I bought this while in France in March. I can't remember if I mentioned that I was in Europe on a school trip in March, but I was. It was frickin' amazing.)
Necklace: Edith's

Shirt: Upson Downes (I bought it at Urban Outfitters though. The link shows the black one, I couldn't find the blue one that I have.)
Shorts: Kensie
Bracelet: Edith's
Lampshade: Edith's

Well there ya go. This gal's got some |\/|@dd $|

I will get some pictures from D.C. and from Oliver! up soon.
Btdubs, I spent about 2 hours, at least, going through several magazines and catalogs and cutting out photos that I'm going to put on a mood board, aka inspiration board, or maybe several different boards. There's a lotta picshers.

One last thing. On Thursday, May 12th, Leandra Medine, The Man Repeller, was at Bloomingdales styling a window at Tibi, and there was also a time afterward when people came and talked to her. And of course I was in Washington. FML.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Be Back Soon!!!!

Hey y'all, just popping in for a quick "howdy!"

It's been a SUPER busy week: play rehearsal until around 7 pm every day. You're probably wondering right about now, "Why do I care, and why was she just speaking like a Southerner?"

Well, my dears, to answer your first hypothetical and possibly unasked question, you care because the costumes/makeup are EPIC. 19th century London is a fun time. Being British is also quite a ball. And being British in 19th century London, wearing floor-sweeping, velvet, corseted dresses and an unusual amount of makeup is just a big party.

The point is, I'll post some pictures from the show once it's over and we get the photos. I'll also post the pictures from my shoot with my friend E.D. soon, once she sends me the pictures. She's also a part of the musical, so she's not had the time either. All of this craziness is over after Saturday night, so I'll blog briefly on Sunday, hopefully. BUT, and here's the worst part, my class is going to D.C. from Tuesday to Friday next week, and there's no computers allowed.
Aw shucks.
No computer=NO BLOGGING.

To address my Southernisms:
That's a good question.

I will leave you all with that.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mad Hatter

There are so many different things to put on one's head, so how is that there are school rules prohibiting wearing hats in the building??!! It is restricting my freedom of expression through head coverings. I finally understand the phrase "too cool for school" (or "2 kewl 4 skewl," as me and my sister say it): that's what hats are. I would be such a kool kat if only I could go to school wearing any of these sick hats:

Susie Bubble. She is so daring, I LOVE IT!!! She's pretty much wearing a floral visor thing around her head, but she rocks it hard. That takes some serious skill. The same amount of skill it takes to trip over absolutely nothing. Since I can pull off that last one with minimal effort, let's say Susie Bubble and I are on the same level, somewhat.

The fact that the lining of this hat is a bright tangerine orange shade is just incredible. It's the perfect way to spice up an outfit. Sort of Tony the Tiger goes glam.

This is the Cherry Blossom Girl. She's wearing a floppy hat and pants that make me think of a Dr. Seuss book. I think yes.

You've seen her before, haven't you! I just love her hat, and I need her hat and I want her hat desperately. That is all.

It's the Cherry Blossom Girl again, and she's wearing a straw hat, or some sort of hat.
She's wearing a hat, that's all you need to know.

This is Miss Pandora, and she's rockin' the '70's look with the high-waisted jeans, an off-the-shoulder flowy and floral top, and the ever-coveted floppy hat. She's got my approval.

Here she is again, possibly wearing the same hat, but I don't think so. I am unbelievably jealous of her large hat collection. I have a fedora. And some winter hats. Yeah.

Massive, orange floppy hat=supah kewl!!!1

Another floral visor/hat thing. GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME

As an aside, my friend E.D. and I did a little photoshoot today. She's a photographer, and a quite good one, I might add. Check out her blog here. The reason I mentioned this is because you all should expect a post about it within the next few days, hopefully. I've got play rehearsal until 6:30 pm everyday....But alas, I shall MAKE time for fashion. I always do.

Ta-ta, you lot!