Sunday, May 15, 2011

Urban Edith Takes My Picture

I'M BACK!!!!! No more play rehearsal, no more Washington, D.C. And the living is easy. Rather, the blogging is easy, 'cause now I've got 25 new pictures from my photographer friend Edith, but I won't post all of them. But I will be posting them. Right here. Below this text. In a minute. Hold your horses.

While I was in D.C., I continued to dress as my usual self. On one day, I actually managed to look like an Orthodox Jewish girl, according to my teacher Bobby. I can show you a picture of that sometime, but today's post is about the pictures Edith took of me a few weeks ago. She's a really good photographer, and she's got a blog called Urban Edith.

All photo credits go to Edith.
Outfit styling came from both of us.
Edith also did my make up.
These photos were taken right near her house, down in Battery Park City, next to the water.
And also inside of her bedroom.

Jumpsuit: Naf Naf (it's a French brand, I bought this while in France in March. I can't remember if I mentioned that I was in Europe on a school trip in March, but I was. It was frickin' amazing.)
Necklace: Edith's

Shirt: Upson Downes (I bought it at Urban Outfitters though. The link shows the black one, I couldn't find the blue one that I have.)
Shorts: Kensie
Bracelet: Edith's
Lampshade: Edith's

Well there ya go. This gal's got some |\/|@dd $|

I will get some pictures from D.C. and from Oliver! up soon.
Btdubs, I spent about 2 hours, at least, going through several magazines and catalogs and cutting out photos that I'm going to put on a mood board, aka inspiration board, or maybe several different boards. There's a lotta picshers.

One last thing. On Thursday, May 12th, Leandra Medine, The Man Repeller, was at Bloomingdales styling a window at Tibi, and there was also a time afterward when people came and talked to her. And of course I was in Washington. FML.

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