Thursday, December 8, 2011

Trending Next Spring: Take A Tip From The Boys

Let's step into a time machine, everyone. Zoom back to the 1970's, and you'll see a lot of rill sharp tailoring (creds to my homeboy Yves Saint Laurent) and Annie Hall-inspired clothing, courtesy of our buddies at Ralph Lauren. Are you starting to see where I'm going with this? We all know that I love '70's inspired clothing, even if it doesn't really work for me (though I have been known to rock a flared jean every so often). We can't deny that the decade is making a comeback. So for those of you who are crestfallen to hear that the 1970's are back in town, it's time to face the music. I have a feeling these trends are here to stay (...for a while. You know how fickle trends can be at times; one season they're the shiz, next season they just up and leave).

For some reason, women dressing like men is more socially acceptable than men dressing like women. Why this is so, I can't truly say. What I do know, though, is that I am a female, which means I can get away with sporting male attire. Can I get an "Amen!"(You have just read one of the best puns to have ever been featured on this blog, and it was unintentional, too.)

The trick to rocking this trend is to not go too androgynous. You have to keep just a touch of femininity in there, or else you're just cross-dressing. Not quite the same thing as what I'm talkin' 'bout here. A few classic yet modern twists are to wear suspenders with a pencil skirt à la Band of Outsiders or to wear a pantsuit in a girly color or print. Let's cut to the chase here and get to the pictures, shall we?

All photos courtesy of

Keep it classic: 

                                    J.Crew                                                                                 Lanvin

                              Stella McCartney                                                                          Tibi

                                     Céline                                                                            Yves Saint Laurent

Be a woMAN: 

                                     DKNY                                                                                 Givenchy

                                   Jason Wu                                                                             Karen Walker

                                   Paul & Joe                                                                           Rachel Zoe

 Cause confusion: 

                                  Derek Lam                                                                       Haider Ackermann

                              Band of Outsiders                                                                House of Holland

                                Marc Jacobs                                                                          Ruffian

I bet you were a bit skeptical at first, but now you're convinced that this can totally work, right? See how wearable this is? I had 26 photos that I collected, 18 of which I used in this here post. That's above average. That means "hop on this," ASAP.

I haven't got much else to add, except to remind you to follow if you read often or if you wanna show me and my blog some love. One thing though: the pre-fall and resort shows came out recently, and I'm just so overwhelmed, I don't know what to do. I came home and didn't have any homework because I'd done it all on the subway, and I think I just sat there for a minute trying to remember what to do with free time.

P.S. Holiday season is around the corner--I'm thinking of putting together a little Hanukah wishlist in Photoshop, if I can figure out how to do it (we all know I'm not tech savvy). Good stuff, n'est-ce pas?

Bonsoir, mes amis!

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