Tuesday, December 13, 2011

CHICTOPIA SNEAK PEEK! Top 5 Gifts To Give: Holiday Shopping Decoded

Hey everyone! I'm not allowed to post the full articles on my blog that I write for Chictopia, so here's just the introduction to my newest one that either has gone up already. If you couldn't deduce this much from the title, I'm decoding holiday shopping by telling you the the top 5 gifts to give are. You following? (No, seriously, are you following my blog? That was not originally intended to be said here, but I thought it was a nice, unintentional segue into the inevitable reminder that was bound to come up at some point in this post.)

Here it is, an exclusive sneakity peekity of my next article:

It's holiday season, and we all know what that means: presents and gifts galore. The larger your group of friends/family members, the smaller your wallet is by the time it's December 26th (or the 27th, if we're going by the eight days of Hanukah). Unless you bought everything with your credit card, in which case your wallet will stay the same size, but the number in your bank account will have decreased. 

The most difficult thing about this time of year, only slightly harder than choosing what to wear to the various holiday parties you have to attend, is getting the right presents for the lowest prices. That's where I come in. I've chosen the top five gifts that I'd get for fellow fashion lovers like myself while on a budget. Some of them are specific and others are general, but all are fashion-related. If you're a Chictopian, chances are some of your friends share this common interest, or at least I hope they do. Otherwise you may need to question the value of your friendship. Just kidding, I have no authority to judge your friends. 

Here they are, my top 5 gifts for this year: 

...And you'll just have to CLICK HERE and read the rest of it. Isn't the suspense just killing you? Don't you want to know what the top 5 gifts are? I know I do! Just kidding, I already know. The joke's on you all this time. 

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