Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tumbling Down a Hill

I've done it. I've created a...Tumblr. Could you not read that? It said Tumblr.
FINE, FINE, I CREATED A TUMBLR FOR GOD'S SAKE! There, I said it. Stop judging me. I only did it because I was told at the IFB Conference that it's beneficial to your blog by none other than the Man Repeller herself, and I also read it in various other places. It's purely for the purpose of getting more readers, not because I frequently "tumble." Except for occasionally for new pictures and gifs of mah homeboy Darren.

Notice how the title mentions going downhill. Understand why I said that now? I'm slightly ashamed.

Anyway, this is the link if you want to check it out. If you have a Tumblr, please follow mine for moral support. You don't even know how excited I get when I have a new follower on anything. I announce it to my family every time. You think I'm kidding, but the sad part is that I'm being so legit right now.

I mostly just put things on there that don't have enough content to be placed in a blogpost and/or involve a picture and therefore cannot be tweeted. As if I used my Twitter that much. I'm trying to use as many social media platforms as I can but it's not really working too well for me.

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