Friday, April 6, 2012

Trending Next Spring: Clichés Galore

What is the most cliché thing you can think of when, well, thinking about spring? Flowers. April showers bring May flowers, don't they? (Déjà vu!!) Mother Nature is a bipolar ho, so I wouldn't count on that one this year, but let's say that hypothetically, pansies and marigolds and dandelions will appear. What an oddball assortment of flowers. Speaking of flowers (say it one more time, why don't you), I recently began reading The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, and it's gotten me in the mood for gardening. I'm not that much of a nature-y gal, but the thought of digging up dirt and throwing it at people and working in the hot sun for a day seems like a blast. What have I become? That's a good question. I've got another great question for you coming at the very, very end of this post, so stay tuned. You don't wanna miss it.

I'm sure I could fill an entire blog (yes, not just a post, a blog unto itself) of pictures of floral accessories, but I've chosen just a few to show you today. As in I borrowed them from the Harper's Bazaar website; what's new? To answer my own rhetorical question, spring break has officially begun today, and I am pumped. I woke up before 9 am for absolutely no reason and have caught up on reading three-quarters of the blogs I follow, so I am filled to the brim with inspiration. Maybe that's why this post is just flowin' out mah phalanges. I do apologize for the lack of posting/lack of fun on this blog within the past few weeks. I'm pretty sure that every time I swipe my I.D. card to get into my school building they drain a little bit of my soul. The scary dean/lunch monitor/he probably doesn't have an actual job guy probably has it stored in a secret box and he's planning to use it to make horcruxes.

I realize that this post is just a mish-mash-mosh-mush of thoughts on my mind, so I hope that the frenetic energy emanating from this blog is not making you paranoid. How about I zip my lips and get the show on the road? (Speaking of clichés...see the previous sentence.)

Before I shut up, I'd just like to mention that for a full-on floral effect, why not pair these accessories with your flowery garments? The real question here is why not?

Photos via and

Alexander McQueen

If you're into not being able to walk, this is exactly what pair of shoes you should be wearing. Also if you like defying gravity. 

Peter Pilotto

Reminiscent of Betty Spaghetty. Yellow lucite (?) cylinder heel. Shiny candy flowers. Red Robin Yummm!


Pradadadada! Nice crotch shot ya got there, Harper's Bazaar. Cute. Let's refocus our attention to the bag that is making a comeback: the clutch. See how the Man Repeller diagnosed this dynamite idea here.


Flowers that look like sea urchins and coral growing out of your feet: a must-have for spring. That crazy mosaic-but-not-really heel is quite a fancy touch. Things that they should have checked on before letting this model wear these shoes: her shoe size.


I believe that this is the most literal (and by far my favorite) floral usage for spring and forever. Stick real live flowers in your shoes and walk around like you own da place. "I can grow plants out of my feet, come at me bitchez." Yeah. You can also totally do this without buying anything--except flowers--by stuffing them in your Doc Martens or any other boots you've got. I promise that I am trying this out this spring/summer, so you better hold me to that. I never actually had yellow finger nails this winter like I said I would. Oops.
P.S. Might I recommend checking out all of Ashish's (say that one out loud in public) spring 2012 collection? It's quite a beauty. 

I feel like I should change the title of this post to "Trending Right Now," because technically spring is, well, right now. I'm not lying to you about next spring's trends, I swear. Just tryin' to keep things consistent. I love me some consistency. That was a confusing sentence. 

So, you like snails? 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting shoes.


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