Saturday, April 23, 2011

We Live Young (Dot Blogspot Dot Com)

This post doesn't have much to do with fashion, but I came across this incredible Australian photographer named Nirrimi Hakanson. I found her on The Glamourai way back in January, and was so intrigued that I checked out her website. I ended up reading every blogpost she's ever written and looked at all the photographs she posted on her website. She hadn't posted for a while, but for some reason I decided to check back again today, and she'd posted twice. It rekindled my love for her artwork. These words probably have absolutely no effect on you at the moment, but when you see her stuff, you'll see what I mean. Hopefully.

How fricking GORGEOUS are these photographs??!!!! I <3 Nirrimi!!!!

These are just a few of the many beautiful photographs she's taken, but they were the ones that caught my attention. (There are other ones on the Glamourai link above.) I've sort of fallen in love with Nirrimi's pictures because they're so overwhelmingly inspirational. It's so refreshing to see an actual decent photograph after only being exposed to the mediocrity that is the pictures taken by girls who walk around with expensive Nikons and Canons and call themselves photographers, when all they do is take pictures of their friends. WHEW. Glad I got that off my chest, that's been bugging me for quite a while now. ....Moving on.

Not only is Nirrimi a ridiculously talented photographer, she's also a skilled writer. Even though she's only 18, and from a somewhat remote place in Australia (North Queensland--sounds kinda trippy.), she was signed to an agency at age 16, shot the Fall/Winter 2010 Diesel campaign at age 17, and this year is coming out with her first book. Believe me, the second that comes out I am getting on that. But seriously, after reading that, try and tell me you are not completely inspired at the moment. She was SIXTEEN. We got this.

For reals, though. Go on. Try and tell me you're not inspired. JUST KIDDING! That's not even possible so I won't even bother having a one-sided conversation with myself about it.

If you want to check out her blog click here.
This is the link to her photography website.

Her blog is like her main page, you can get to her photos, writings, Twitter, etc. from there.

On an entirely unrelated note (it's kinda ironic that I'm saying entirely unrelated since this is part is actually about fashion and this is a fashion blog), I usually don't appreciate the big, big names that uneducated (about fashion, that is) people usually associate with the fashion world, i.e. Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, etc. However, I actually really liked Gucci's Spring 2011 collection.

I liked how a lot of this season's color trends (brights and whites) were incorporated into the entire collection. The first few pieces seemed very Jil Sander-esque as far as colors go, but the shapes/fabrics were way more laidback and go with the flow. There were also some interesting silhouettes and fun detailios throughout the entire collection. Proppyprops goin' out to Gucci. Peace, y'all.

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