Sunday, April 24, 2011

Look 't!!

The title of this post is a pun, because it's about a website called Looklet. My cousin always used to poke us and say "Look 't!" when he wanted us to look at something. Actually, he'd say it repeatedly until we paid attention, so I now have the sound of my cousin's voice saying it in my head like a broken record every time I'm reminded. Crap.

Anyway, Looklet, is actually quite addictive once you get started using it. It's a site where you can put absolutely any clothes (only the ones they have on the site, but that's still thousands and thousands of pieces from a bajillion different places) on a model of your choice, and then you can put her in any place you want (there's some really cray-cray ones) and use any lighting you want. (It all looks outrageously real. It blows my mind.) The possibilities are almost literally endless. Which is why I hate it so much. I'm awful at making decisions, so I usually end up going all in, or being very minimalist when it comes to these things.

Another perk is that you can tuck pieces into other ones, have unusual things worn over instead of under your clothes, and you can choose to wear jackets and such articles open or closed. You'll see how ridiculously fun it is once you get started. Remember, I'm only here to help you procrastinate. I felt that I was obligated to share with you another means of completing this task.

Here are some of the looks I created on Looklet last night. Mind you, this was what I did instead of sleeping. That's what it does to you.

(I'd give you the links, but a lot of these aren't from current seasons.)

This one wouldn't save to my page, so I just screenshotted it, which is why it's not a full picture.
I absolutely adore these Cheap Monday pants. Even though they're not from this season, they're completely on trend: high-waisted flares in a bright color. That is some skilled forecasting. Better than the weather people these days.

One helpful thing that I can take away from my late-night styling session last night: I love Topshop.
Another thing I learned about Topshop is that they're quite intelligent there, making all the prices listed on pounds/euros (I can't really tell the difference between the two signs) so that everything seems a ton cheaper than it actually is. Clever.

Have fun spending countless hours putting expensive clothes on gorgeous women and placing them on Hawaiian beaches in overexposed lighting.

BTDUBS a.k.a. PS (so many abbreviations!!): Here's the link to my Looklet page in case you want to check it out.

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