Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ancient Apples

I've been experimenting a lot with food recently, and one thing I've discovered that is basically a superfood is apple cider vinegar. It's under $4 a bottle at the supermarket (mine was $3.89) and good ol' Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine," has been touting its awesomeness since 400 BC. It helps with colds, it supposedly curbs hunger, and does a lot of other fancy things that I don't quite remember but can be found through a basic Google search. I've come up with two recipes for apple cider vinegar drinks that are good for different purposes.

This one I carry with me and drink throughout the school day. It's surprisingly energizing. Make sure to shake it before you take a sip to keep things mixed around.

1) Fill your desired vessel 3/4 of the way with plain water
2) Add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (I just eyeball it, as I do most things when it comes to cooking, which doesn't always work out in my favor)
3) Add some honey to your taste
4) Add some cinnamon, also to taste
Optional: 5) Add 1-2 tablespoons of chia seeds (these are really fun to drink because they form a sort of gelatinous coating after being immersed in liquid for about an hour. They also have 3 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber for every tablespoon, which is pretty crazy)

You can't fight colds, but you can assuage the pain. I felt a cold coming on today and I made this recipe up when I came home. It tastes like tart warm apple cider. 

1) Boil some water and fill a mug with hot water, the same amount you'd use if you were drinking tea
2) Add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
3) Add honey to taste
4) Add cinnamon to taste

Notice how they're essentially the same drink except for the temperature and the chia seeds, but they taste completely different and have totally different powers. I have no idea how this happens/works but it does.

Those are my daily food musings. Try 'em out and let me know what you think.

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