Sunday, January 20, 2013

Inspired By A Human: Willow Smith

I suspect that you are a little confused right now. I don't really seem like the sort of person that's a Willow Smith fan, I know. The other day I was on Rookie and read something about Willow's new song, which sampled one of my favorite Radiohead songs, "Codex." That somehow landed me on Willow's Tumblr (you know how it goes on the Internet; one minute you're doing homework and the next it's three hours later and you're looking at pictures of Will Smith's daughter), and I slowly realized that she's actually really cool. I was never into her song "Whip My Hair," but it's nearly impossible to deny her sartorial expertise, especially when you keep in mind the fact that she is twelve years old. ...I know.

I really admire the fact that she's created a career for herself despite the fact that she could totally live her life just being Will Smith's kid. I mean, she could've waited until she was in high school, at least, but I'm not one to talk. Like, not even a little. I remember how much of a bum I was when I was twelve, so it's equal parts awe-inspiring and jealousy-inducing that she has a really bangin' wardrobe.

It was surprisingly difficult to find good examples of Willow's style on the interwebz, but here are a few photos of her looking her most, well, Willow-ish.

[Photos via Tumblr and Google.]

Look at that crop of hair! Yowza! 

Can you imagine going to school with Willow Smith? I think I would be that person that makes a lot of Harry Potter references (ie, Whomping Willow) around her. 

A pink mohawk and Chanel flats...Yeah, I was nothing like her when I was twelve.

The fam. The whole Smith crew is just a good lookin' bunch.

I can't even fathom how that Avatar-like hairstyle was created.

Nobody sasses Willow Smith. No one. You know why? She's got Swiss cheese leggings.

I can't wait until she gets to high school. That will be a transformation worth watching. 

I didn't realize how long it had been since I'd posted a playlist, so since it's Sunday, I thought I'd make one. Willow-themed (in theory), of course. 

Don't forget to watch the Inauguration tomorrow! Da Prez is gettin' sworn in!! Can't miss that! 

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