Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry for being such a terrible blogger for the past few weeks/months/etc. I've been going through a lot of changes lately that have taken a lot of adjusting. I transferred schools about a month ago so I've been settling into that, and with it the new lifestyle I am now leading. I know that sucks for you in terms of having no new reading material from this site, but WAIT. It does benefit you, because in all my free time I've been thinking a hell of a lot about EVERYTHING, and then in a little bit you're just going to be bombarded with crazy amounts of radical crazy awesomeness from my brain, spilling out onto my keyboard and then into your brain.
Most of that stuff is not ready for public consumption quite yet, but there is something you can help me with right this very moment. I'm conducting an anonymous (READ: ANONYMOUS) survey about body image and self perception in order to write a comprehensible and factually accurate essay on the subject. It only takes a minute or two to fill out, and none of the questions are required; just provide the information you're comfortable giving. It doesn't matter how old you are, what your sex is, your race, ethnicity, NONE OF IT PROHIBITS YOU FROM TAKING THIS SURVEY. How cool is that. Support your local social scientists!!
Here it is. All you've got to do is click some boxes/bubbles and type a few things and press submit, and you're done. No strings attached, no weird spam emails, literally NOTHING except for the wonderful feeling that you've helped improved society just a little bit.
Thank you thank you thank you!!
If you want to support me further, PLEASE do not hesitate to share this survey with people that you know. You can send them the link to this post or the URL to the survey itself.
All of you rock, you are teacups!!!
hey, would you consider posting all the responses to the survey? or making them public on the host you used (if that's a thing)? i'm really interested to see the responses (: