Perhaps you saw this coming. Perhaps you didn't.
As you very well know, I have been quite absent for this blog for quite some time. Part of the time I was in the midst of a major crisis, the other part of the time I was in the midst of switching schools, but now I have no excuse. I've been at my new school for almost two months and I feel at home there; now I am on winter vacation, and I haven't got many obligations. So why wouldn't I blog? I've neglected this site for long enough.
I've been reading this book about the riot grrrl revolution and while on the subway yesterday I was grabbed by this overwhelming feeling of urgency that I must act and act NOW. Not exclusively about feminism and not necessarily through punk rock music, but about EVERYTHING through EVERY MEDIUM. Since the riot grrrls hit their peak in the '90s, they didn't have the Internet at their disposal; to get their ideas out, they made zines. For a while on the train I thought, "I know what I must do. I must make zines. So many zines." But before long I realized that I don't really have the means for that, and printing all that paper isn't very environmentally economical. Then it dawned on me. I already have an established blog that I've been writing for almost three years--that's my vehicle. That's it!
As my mind, in turn, snapped into vicious shards and rebuilt itself, I have come to appreciate and consider a whole new world of ideas and possibilities. When I was at the hospital and only had jeans, pajama pants, and some t-shirts, my main priority was not fashion. I threw on what would make me the least uncomfortable and usually wore the same thing several times. Now that I am interning at a yoga studio, I have to wear clothing that is comfortable and movable, and often that boils down to the same five essentials (conclusion: I only wear flowy pants. I'm not even kidding). But this shift is not really about circumstantial changes; it's about the internal changes that have taken place within me. I still appreciate clothing and its beauty and its expressive qualities, but I despise the consumeristic and materialistic connotations of fashion itself. They simply do not align with my personal values any longer. So I stopped blogging for a while, because I had nothing to say.
But I do--I have SO MUCH to say, and plenty of ears cocked to listen. (That's you guys!) It's just that the things I have to say aren't really about clothing and trends and blah blah blah. They're about a world's worth of issues, global dilemmas, local frustrations, and everything in between. For so long I was afraid to be completely honest on this site despite the fact that I was willing to pour my guts out on, say, Hypocrite Reader. But that's all going to change. I write this blog so from now on you're going to hear my voice, not the one that I've artificially tailored to this site.
I'm on a huge mission, and I really need all the help I can get. I can't quite pinpoint what exactly my mission is without telling you that it's to change the world, because I have a feeling that might be an unhealthy ambition. But hey, a girl can dwell in possibility, can't she?
I don't know what the new incarnation of You're A Tulle is going to be, but I know that I'm going to publish what's on my mind and what I think is important. Essays, interviews, poetry, songs, videos, art--and who knows what else.
Thank you all so much for sticking by this site and not unfollowing me in this odd transitional interim--really, I mean it, thank you a bajillion and six times.
Murry Christmas Eve Day (YES THAT IS A THING)!!! Go watch some nice movies and eat some yummy snacks and please everyone be happy and fuzzy!!!
P.S. Check out the sick new banner I spent ALL NIGHT LAST NIGHT photoshopping.
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