Ah, babiis*. Munchkins, gremlins, jam-hands, cutie pies, angels, whatever you want to call them, young children are certainly fascinating. For the longest time, I was very adamant about not having children until I got over the fear of ruining their lives as well as the fact that they are so incredibly annoying. I've gotten over that (for now), but small children still make me exceedingly uncomfortable, although I suppose that will eliminate itself with age. I hope. Or do I????? Oy.
One of the things that has bugged me about toddlers and other little people around the same age is that they just look like a complete mess all the time. I know, they're not really in tune with their personal style because they're barely even people yet (hey, I didn't become a person until I was thirteen, going on fourteen), but that doesn't take away from the fact that as a general rule they don't dress particularly well. I can't decide how much of that has to do with the parents, although I think that factor depends on the child's age. All I know is that I wore Gap and Children's Place clothing until I was, like, ten, and the only time period in which that worked was between the ages of three and five. After that it was just sad, even though it totally didn't have to be. This one's on me.
With the exception of little divas like Suri Cruise, few children have the means of dressing like a boss even if they wanted to. The other night I got an excited text message from Octavia about how stylish the kids were at a party she was at with her mom, and had I considered writing about this sort of thing on da blogue? It had never really crossed my mind, mostly due to my aversion to those tiny people, but I figured I would give it a shot. Adults and teenagers aren't the only people that exist in the world (THANK GOD), so there's no reason why I should exclude the next generation from my fashion diarizing. After all, little kids have the wonderful advantage of only being allowed to look one way all the time: frighteningly cute. They never have the desire or requirement to look sexy, or sophisticated, or anything else like that. That gives them so many options. Looking adorable is one of the easiest and versatile modes of dress, and little kids are perpetually set to Boo from Monsters, Inc. Below you will find pictures of what you wish you wore when you were approximately five.
*babii is pronounced bab-ee. This is a word of my sister and her friends' creation, for the most part. It's a fantastically amusing alternative to the generic "baby."
[Photos by Octavia, with an iPhone.]
I've been staring at this girl's glasses and friendship necklace for about five minutes, trying to figure out why I hadn't thought of that combination. I bet her headband matches her dress. I totally wish I could pull that sort of thing off.
Okay, come on now! I can't even rock a shift dress like that! Being shapeless and three feet tall really has its benefits. As for the girl on the right, Lucy, the combination facial-hand expression was plenty of cuteness on its own; her dress and boots were really just accessories.
Last but not least, Charlie, a little munchkin that can colorblock and layer expertly, all while staying parallel to the ground.
I apologize for the lack of posts recently, it's been a rough time and now I'm in a show at school and then there's Fashion Week. But don't worry, I've got a whole crapload of things lined up, including photoshoots, videos, Mardi Gras, and the First Lady.
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