Monday, July 23, 2012

FITting In At FIT: Day 9, Part 2

If I were to use one word to describe myself at this current moment it would be tired-as-hell. That's one word, guys. I walked approximately a bajillion miles today going in complete circles, more than once. From class to see the Richard Avedon exhibit (it's incredible, by the way; if you're in Chelsea between 10 am and 6 pm until this Friday, you should go see it), back downtown to take the train to Williamsburg, only to get off at the wrong stop and wander aimlessly for around two hours--in the heat, humidity, and rain, mind you--and then take three trains to get home; upon my arrival home I realized that the store I was looking for but couldn't find was two blocks away from the point at which I stopped walking and decided to turn around. Gr8. 

Today was the first day of my final week of FIT, and we got down to business fo' real. I've got my fabric, I've almost got my whole pattern, and I'm all set to whip up a pair of mighty fine pants. Just you wait, they shall be mighty fine. 

Foot exhaustion=brain exhaustion=short post, so it's time for the visuals. 

Photos by me and my handy tools. 

Top: gift from my aunt in France 
Skirt: Sag Harbor via Vice Versa Vintage 
Pearl bracelets: gifts?
Rings: from grandma and Venice Beach
Bindi: Laughing Lotus Yoga Center (phreebeez!)

Sandals: Blowfish via Chictopia 

See how much extra fabric I have here? I could hide a few small people under there, I bet. About seven, I'd say, if I had to guess.

I feel like there's always one photo in every outfit post where I look murderous. Here's your daily dose. 

Look! I can mysteriously hide one half of my arm! The longer you stare at it the weirder it becomes! Ha-HA! 

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