Saturday, July 7, 2012

Baby, You're A Firework

Independence Day has come and gone without so much as an obligatory nod of the head to it from me on this blog. It's like we passed each other in the hallway and I didn't even smile politely. I might have been rushing to class, but that doesn't mean I couldn't make a small gesture signifying that I knew it existed. ...I may have become a bit too metaphorical there. This analogy is starting to make less and less sense because I have personified a national holiday and also assumed that it attends high school. Also I guess I'm late to class now. It's summer, why I am I doing this to myself?

Last year, I was so hype to wear patriotic colors; this year, not so much. It was too damn hot. As uncharacteristic of me as it is, I just wore my quest shorts and a simple crop top (it was originally a full sized tank top intended for little kiddies but I find it difficult to let go of certain childhood memorabilia). We decided to take an outrageously long subway ride to celebrate our country's liberty. That was it. Just kidding, we took the F as in "holy f**k get me the hell off this godforsaken locomotive" train to the end of the line--that's right, Coney Island, biznitches (that's a compound word, combining 'business' and 'bitches'). By the time we reached our destination, the subway station was packed, the streets were even more crowded and I didn't even need to go near the beach to be covered in a watery substance, if ya know what I'm sayin'. We only had enough time to go on one ride before we had to catch a Brooklyn Cyclones game--pun not originally intended but deemed acceptable upon my realization of its existence--and my mother and sister wailed like escaped insane asylum patients the entire time while my sister's friend filmed it on her phone. Oh, modern technology, how you amuse me. 

We sat in the third row from the field at the Cyclones game and got to party with Big Harry or Larry or whoever he is, and Sandy the Seagull. At the end of the night, they put on a fantastic fireworks display and even played Katy Perry's hit song. I think you can guess which one I'm talking about. While I took pictures of the show I sang along, changing the pronunciation of the words to "Babbee yor a feeray-wohrk!" 

Photos by me.


No captions today, I know, but how do you narrate fireworks besides saying, "OH MY GOD WOULDYA PIPE DOWN ALREADY I CAN FEEL YOUR VIBRATIONS IN MY CHEST CAVITY, THAT'S ENOUGH"? 

It's supposed to be sweltering tomorrow. Frickin' fabulous. TAKE ME BACK TO CALIFORNIA PLEASE AND THANK YOU. 

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