Once upon a time, there were two girls named Emma and Odelia. It was New Years Eve, and they were
very cold. They both had curly hair, and therefore wearing hats made them look bald and they had to suffer from Cold Head Syndrome all the time. On this particular evening, Emma shared a secret with Odelia that completely blew Odelia's mind. Of course she had seen circle scarves before, but Emma told her that if you have a scarf with fringe, you can tie the ends together and have your very own circle/infinity scarf. Odelia happened to have a fringed scarf on her person, so she tried said technique and was very pleased with the result. From this point on, they decided that a regular scarf was to be called a "skärf"
(credit to Octavia Bürgel) and that a circle scarf was to be called a "skraf." They had good fun renaming their accessories, but this did not, however, solve the cold-induced loss of feeling in their faces. That is when they threw one piece of their skraf over their head as though it were a hood, and thus the skrood was born. When they first discovered the skrood, Odelia had identified it as a "snood," as she had seen it called on the
ASOS website many a time. But then, Emma decided it should be called a "skrood," or even better, a "skr∞d," because the two o's could be turned into an infinity sign, which references the fact that in its original form it is an infinity scarf. Or skärf. Really, it's a skraf.
Anyway, the point is, on December 31st, 2011, the skrood skraf, of skärf origin, was born.
This is what the ASOS rip-off of a skrood is. They call it a
"Cable Knit Hooded Snood." (Quadrant four?) LAME! <--That is, in fact, a "Monsters Vs. Aliens" reference.
Emma rockin' her skrood.
Da famz! But pay special attention to me wearing my skrood on the far right.
Better pictures to come; I'll be wearin' dat skrood all winter long!
Below are assorted pictures taken throughout our New Year's Eve travels on the Boston Commons.
My cousins standing in front of a Yuletide pine (aka a Christmas tree).
More Yuletide pines!
It's an ice sculpture that says "2012" (no kidding!), but all of the numbers have something to do with the Mayans. Geddit? 'Cause they're the ones that predicted the whole "the world is ending in 2012" thing? Oh, apocalypse jokes, you never get old.
This is how we spent our New Year's Eve: coloring pages of Disney princesses with crayons.
That's my beautiful sister. The princess, that is. Just kidding she's the one drawing.
Happy New Year everyone!
Here's to another year of bloggin' away, night n' day.
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