Today, it was way colder than I was expecting it to be. So I walked out of the house at 7 am wearing only a flannel shirt over my outfit. Meaning I basically froze my butt off as I walked from Columbus Circle to school. And also again in science class.
Remember how yesterday I said that I was going to do some more outfit posts this week because I'm working on a major blog project? That begins today.
Today's outfit probably would've been more successful if I'd worn it on a warmer day. But about three days ago, it would've worked perfectly as an outfit to transition from summer into fall. So keep it in mind when the weather inevitably acts once more as its bipolar self and becomes warmer again.
A note about today's photographs (and probably my photographs for a while): they're a tad blurry/out of focus because I am lacking a tripod and a remote, and a photographer. So my photographer is currently myself, my remote is the self-timer on my camera that is entirely incapable of focusing properly, and my tripod is the windowsill out in my hallway, which just happens to be too low, so
Also, please excuse the cray-cray-ness of my hair. I went to a yoga class earlier, and I was doing wheels and forearm stands and the like...Let's just say my hair spent a lot of time doing downward dog.
All photos by me and my windowsill.
Shirt: Liz Claiborne via Squan Dry Goods
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Tights: New York & Company
Flannel: Arrow Blue Jean Co. via a thrift store in Massachusetts
Just chillin' on the floor. Oh hey.
Crinkly is one word to describe today's outfit. No iron? No problem! Wear it anyway.
(A quick side note: I am currently living in this flannel shirt. I will continue to do so for many days/weeks/years/centuries (yes, centuries) to come. It seems to go with nearly everything. Something's too girly? Grunge it up. Too formal? Dress it down. It serves the same function as a blazer, but backwards. It's genius. Lola would pronounce that jen-yoos, as should you.)
It looks like I'm standing, right? Funny story. I'm actually standing...on my knees. (I gotchya there, didn't I!) The lengths (heights?) I go to for this blog...
CS for Payless! That was an accidental rhyme, I love those little buggers. I also love these shoes.
Incidentally, I threw on some tights today to cover up my furrycold legs.
These little buddies have held up ridiculously well since I got them around a year and a half ago. They've survived through sun, rain, mud, probably a little snow and slush, running, walking, falling, all my usual activities. The best part is that I have another pair in pink and another identical pair to these in my closet, never been worn. And the livin' is easy.
One of the many watches (if many=5) I own. I got this one this summer in Giverny in France when we visited Monet's house. That's a Monet painting, on my wrist. I don't know who you're talking to, but I don't know many people who can say that. Besides me. And my sister. And my mom.....
Headband: Missoni For Target
You can't tell, but this headband is in fact Missoni. It came with the one I wore here. My hair was walking to the beat of its own drum this morning, so I tamed it using the only method I could: accessories.
See how short my hair is? You can see my neck, sort of. That's how short it is. I'd go shorter if it wouldn't undoubtedly look ridiculous because of the curli/waviness of my hair. Rats. Foiled again!
That's all for today, folks.
There is definitely something I'm forgetting to write here, and it will of course pop into my head as I'm about to fall asleep. I know this because it happened to me last night.
Tomorrow is the launch of the Huffington Post's High School Bloggers section! Be there or be square. And I've heard from a good friend of mine named Spongebob Squarepants that being square isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Keep it phresh. Peace.
UPDATE: I just remembered what I said I'd forgotten! It's about the wedding I went to this weekend. I forgot to bring my camera and therefore could not take pictures like I said I would, but I'm banking on the fact that a wedding photographer managed to snap a pic or two of me. I was wearing my new red lipstick that I am in love with because it's perfect. And a supah-cool dress that's actually my mom's from Urban. It had ruffles. You will never see me wear ruffles. Except for then. I really hope there are pictures so that I have proof.
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