Monday, November 4, 2013

GS Shop Spring 2014

Oh--oh, you're covering Fashion Week now? Like 2 months after it's over? 
Yes, snarky imaginary reader, I am. 
Without any useless pretext, let's just jump into it. 

My first show of the season was GS Shop, a Korean fashion collective. The five brands (SJ Wani, ROBO, Alice & Blue, thestudioc, and D On The Label) showed at the High Line Hotel on September 4th. The opulence of the venue matched the tailored and elegant clothing that walked between two parallel sections of benches in what appeared to be some sort of ballroom but probably wasn't a ballroom because we don't live in the 19th century. There were no show notes distributed, and since there were five brands presenting, it's hard for me to write a cohesive or even informed review on any of the collections. But as a whole, I'd say the audience the collections was tailoring to was the kick-ass no-sass lady that has become the stereotypical modern working woman. She wants to look put together but also good, however she chooses to interpret that adjective. But she also has a shit ton of stuff to do, and not all of it is related, so she needs some versatile clothing that she can wear everywhere, blah blah blah. You've heard it all on Project Runway a million times. I found these collections to be consumer-geared instead of ruled by a theme, which...I won't get into right now. Before the needle on my moral compass goes swinging all over the place, I'll shut up and you can look at the photos. 

P.S. I was sitting front row 'cause there were only three rows on each side and for some reason they thought I was special???? The point is I got some v good shots because my view was completely unobstructed. 

[All photos by me.]

Sorry for the lack of captions; the volume of photos was too overwhelming and I didn't want to half-ass it so I figured I'd let the clothing speak for itself. Also I'm lazy I guess.

Okay goodnight! I got a new winter coat yesterday and it looks like the coat in the last picture minus the belt and fur and plus a hood. So that's relevant.

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