I arrived in Paris about three days ago, but so much has already happened. We flew into Reykjavìk, the capital of Iceland, where we had a layover for an hour and had dinner. We also bought Icelandic chocolate. It's a really bizarre language; it sounds like Spanish, but with a lot more K's. In Reykjavìk, the sun still hadn't set even though it was midnight! I don't know how anyone can ever sleep in Iceland. Then, we got on another plane and arrived in Paris at 6:15 am Parisian time, but 1:15 am New York time. It was perfect because we weren't tired, which we would've had we taken a red-eye flight. But then, we had to take the train to the house we're staying at, and this leg of the trip took three extra hours. I went to sleep as soon as we got there, and my sister's friend who's staying with us this week had arrived at our house by the time I woke up. We walked around the town, got dinner, and finally we could sleep.
Hier, nous sommes allés au marché en plein air et le supermarché et nous avons achetés des fruits et légumes frais, et aussi du fromage, des céréales, de la yaourt, et cetera. Nous avons assis au café, où j'ai bu un café au lait et partagé un pain chocolat amandes avec ma soeur. Bien sûr, tous était délicieux. Je ne bois pas du café normalement, mais j'ai décidé hier matin que je le boirai, parce que c'est trop délicieux ici de laisser tomber. Plus tard, nous sommes allés à Paris par le RER, et j'ai visité l'American University of Paris. C'est magnifique. Puis, nous avons marché au Quartier Latin pour le dîner, et vers minuit nous sommes retournés chez nous. Vous penseriez que nous voudrions dormir, mais nous ne nous sommes pas couchés avant 2h00. Il y avait un grand orage qui nous a gardé éveillés. De plus, il y a plein de moustiques. Tout le monde a douzaines de morsures. Nous n'avons pas pu dormir, alors nous ne nous sommes pas réveillés jusqu'à 1h00 de l'après-midi. Nous ferons du vélo et d'aviron pour profiter de nos environs.
Yesterday, we went to the open air market and the supermarket and we bought fresh fruits and veggies, and also cheese, cereal, yogurt, etcetera. We sat down at a café, where I got a café au lait and shared a chocolate almond pastry with my sister. Naturally everything was effing delicious. I don't usually drink coffee, but I decided yesterday morning that I'll drink it while I'm here, because it's way too delicious here to pass up. Later, we took the RER into Paris, and I visited the American University of Paris. It's awesome. Then, we walked to the Latin Quarter for dinner, and around midnight we returned home. You'd think that we'd want to go right to sleep, but we didn't until 2 am. Because we're stupid. There was then a huge storm that kept us all up. On top of that, there are a ridiculous amount of mosquitos here. All of us have dozens of bites in the weirdest places. It's insufferable. None of us could sleep, so we ended up not waking up until 1 pm. To make up for our off schedule, we're going to go bike riding and rowing.
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