Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Blogday!

Happy birthday minus the birth plus the blog equals happy blogday! This phrase was coined by my mom last night; she was quite proud of her creation.

As I mentioned yesterday, today is the one-year anniversary since I began this lil' blog. I remember it clearly: it was a Sunday night, and I was laying on my stomach in between my and my sister's beds facing the window writing the post. No one in my household knew that I was doing it (I didn't tell them for a few weeks, I believe), but I was really pumped about it. For some reason I thought that they would judge me, so the first person I told was Lola. And so it began. Let's link back to that first post, shall we?

Idiot that I am, I already recapped the lifespan of this blog back in December, so if you're feeling nostalgic, please just read this post. I felt like such an overenthusiastic mom writing that post; I literally documented the first everything I did on this blog. Even its first words. Who does that? Apparently I do. What a n00b.

I've been saying for months and months and shmonths (how I wish something rhymed with "month") that on You're A Tulle's first birthday I'd do a giveaway. I'm like an elephant: I never forget (that is a complete and utter lie), so I'm giving away a free dress to one lucky reader! That's a little backwards, isn't it? Giving other people gifts on your birthday? Okay, let's be real, my blog is not an animate object and can't really receive gifts anyway. 

A few weeks ago I received a super duper awesome dress from Threadsence. Peep the link right there--note how awesome it looks on the model! That's how it will look on you! Ya! Get pumped! Exclamation points!

Photos grudgingly taken by my sistah. 
The Alice + Olivia photo is from style.com.

It looks an awful lot like this dress from Alice + Olivia's Fall/Winter 2011 collection, does it not?

Now you can be trendy...fo' free! 

Me, just bein' silly. My thumbs are up because I'm indicating that entering this giveaway will bring you happiness. 

You can do eagle arms with slits like that. You can essentially be a bird in this dress. I guess I secretly want to be a bird? This isn't the first time this has happened...

The dress sells for $38 (not including shipping) on Threadsence's website, but you can have it fo' free. all you need to do is follow the mega simple and takes-legitimately-one-minute steps, which I will list for you below:

1. Become a follower of my blog! Think of it as a birthday present--to my blog. This is really easy and fast; if you need help figuring it out I've got not one, but two tutorials to help you out! Click here or here for detailed instructions on how to become a follower.
2. Leave a comment in the comments section below with your name and email address so I can contact you if you win and know who I'm addressing when doing so.

**Optional steps that will increase your chances of winning!
3. Follow me on Twitter, Bloglovin', Facebook (technically that counts as a "like" but shhhh) and/or Tumblr. For each one of those that you follow, you get an extra entry. The way this works is that you get a number for each entry you put in, and then those numbers are put into a random number generator (random.org). The person whose number is picked gets the dress. It's completely fair and it's totally worth doing the extra entries.

If we go to school together, then I'll give you a high-five in the hallway if you enter. No joke.

This giveaway ends next Sunday night (April 29th) at 12 am. 
May the odds be ever in your favor. I hope I didn't misquote that, I'm not a Hunger Games fan. Just saw the movie. 

That's a birthday cake. Ambiguous clipart is the best. 

Before I sign off for tonight, I'd just like to thank you all for reading this blog. Obviously it wouldn't exist if there weren't people reading it, so merci beaucoup. Here's to another year of blogging! 


  1. Happy Blogday!!
    Julia/Jan Aneiro <3
    find me at my really boring email juliaaneiro@aol.com

  2. yay odeliaaa :-) congrats!!
    i'm following you on twitter, bloglovin and facebook.


  3. ohmahgah! Happy first birthday Odelia's blog! Bring out da birfday cakez!!!! My email is cupcakeninjas1@gmail.com. I'm following you on this very blog, as well as on Tumblr (my url is http://smallestofinfinities.tumblr.com in case you can't find me), and I also liked you on da facebookz! Yeyeye! *awkward dance*

    Congratulations my dear!

  4. hahahah yaayy! pretty dress odelia...see ya in math ;)


  5. ok yeah you know my email and i liked your page 500 lightyears ago
    and i'm following you on tumblr
    what am i not following you on?
    twitter lol
    ok i feel weird bye
    ~dreams are my reality~
    Hooray for giveaways!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Happy one year anniversary! My email is juliaanoonan@gmail.com and I'm Julia Noonan from Little Red's 7th grade. I'm only following you on blogspot and facebook I think...

    As you know this is my favorite bolt ever and I would do anything to support it!! ( And the dress is pretty adorable!)
    -Charlianne Meli

  9. HAPPY BLOGDAY GIRLIE! I hope that when I grow up I can be as awesome and talented as you!
    The dress IS SUPA DUPA cute!!

    See ya in math :D

    -Sadie Heisler

  10. im entering lol
    christopher gambino


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