Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mathieu Mirano Fall 2012

If I were to sum up the Mathieu Mirano Fall 2012 show in four words I would say: medieval Asian warrior princess. It may seem like I just stuck four adjectives together and didn't string together a comprehensive thought that would make for a clear mental image. That's because I did. Let me elaborate. Imagine Mulan (Asian warrior) mixed with Princess Fiona from Shrek (as a human, not an ogre (medieval princess)). Is that better? I was also getting a bit of an Alexander McQueen Pre-Fall 2011 and Fall/Winter 2010 feeling.

I can't speak for the designer, but I felt that the vibe really was about this whole warrior idea. The modern woman has to fight so hard to be successful (cue the feminist protestors in the background). Society has created this stereotypical bitchy power-driven woman who is always at the helm of massive corporations to be the model for all eminent and lucrative women. That's the personality that everyone has come to expect, so often powerful females turn themselves into these heartless, manipulative people just because that's the only way they'll get on top. The princess part comes into the whole equation because Mathieu Mirano (probably) wanted to show the softer, feminine side of said tough woman. Princesses are notoriously weak little mushballs (do with that description what you will), so the juxtaposition of hard versus soft, as over-used as it is, fits this situation quite well. The styling was spot-on: the tight but slightly undone buns, (somewhat) nude makeup and pointy pumps are the perfect mix of  business woman and kick-ass chick. Also I'm obsessed with the jewelry. You'll see why in a minute. I'm still at a loss as to what the Asian aspect is, but I just see it. Maybe it's just me? Judge for yourself. The pictures are below.

These three looks just scream "McQueen" to me. Anyone else? No?

I'm pretty sure those are all sequins. I would cry if I had to hand bead that. 

It's all fun and games until she kicks you with her point gold-capped-toe heels. 

Pointy heels are a thing now, so it's no wonder they were all over this show. 

Perhaps this is where the Asian influence came from in my head.

I loved this dress so much that it shows up twice in this post. (See directly below)

There it is again!

If that dress slipped just an inch...

Pleated leather skirts: preppy school girl gone goth. I can dig that.

All of the hair looked just a little bit wet, not Alexander Wang Spring/Summer 2012 wet. That was a little nasty, and totally impractical for every day purposes. 

Mini, discreet peplum? Yes?

That cuff is going to be mine. That's just a thing that needs to happen.

It's going to be okay. Calm down.

Reminiscent of medieval armor, methinks.

I loved the mullet hemline of this dress (you can see that part better in the photo right above this one), as well as the print that sort of reminded me of a bull. 

We already discussed how I'm (still) obsessed with burgundy.

You can't go wrong with a classic leather jacket. Well, you could, but Mathieu Mirano didn't.

You see now why I want all of the jewelry, right? Perhaps the animal accessories is where the Asian inspiration idea in my brain came from. You know, like the zodiac calendar? It's a thing, I promise this didn't come from out of nowhere. 

She's working on her Blue Steel.

Give me a velvet maxi dress and I'm happy for the rest of my life.

 Are those Louboutins I see? 

All the models, j-chillin' on platforms. 

I figured it out: it's the red-gold color combo that got me. Red+gold=Chinese New Year. China is in Asia. Come at me.

This reminds me of Mushu! Try and tell me you don't see the resemblance.

The designer (the head on the left) explaining something about his work. I thought he was going to be French and not speak much English, but he was so American that it was a little shocking. 

This was definitely one of my favorite shows that I saw. You can see why; it's freaking gorgeous. 

I still have plenty more fashion week stuff to write about--don't get tired of it yet. 

1 comment:

  1. great post an amazing collections,
    but my fave is everythings with gold,

    following you now
    hope we can follow each other



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