I decided to go check out my ever-faithful Zappos, with their free shipping and awesome selection. After searching through nearly 37 pages of just platforms (fine, I didn't look through all of them. Sue me. Good luck with that, I'm a minor. That paperwork's gonna be a bitch.), I found some worthy contenders, though for the most part, they were either too expensive or too wedge-ish. I'm fickle and picky when it comes to buying shoes. Call me pickle.
I eventually selected a pair of DV by Dolce Vita shoes:
I felt that these were in a versatile color and shape. I like how simple they are, because they won't distract too much from other aspects of potential outfits, because platform wedges are already pretty eye-catching, especially when worn by a teenager. They had these in black, gold and turquoise as well, but I felt that those were a little too cray-cray. And that's saying a lot, because I rarely think things are too crazy. That would just be hypocritical.
They were about $5 more than the Cooperative ones, and they are much higher quality. I was actually really surprised to find out that the Cooperative platforms were bad, because that's the same brand that made my beloved brown suede shoes, and they have held up so well through so much. I had to stay faithful to Urban, though. They sell some Dolce Vita items, so I don't feel like I was betraying them.
I'm a little worried that they might be too wedge-ish and not platform-y enough, but we shall see. I paid $7 extra to get these here in 3 business days, because we leave for the West Coast on Thursday, at 4 a.m., so they absolutely must be here before then. I'm really excited.
I'm also really excited to go shopping with the giftcards/money I am most likely going to receive from my wonderful friends later today (hi guys, if you're reading this!!). I will save most of it for California though, I need to get on that laid-back Cali style.
Have a happy Friday, everyone!
I really love the color of those shoes :)