Saturday, May 28, 2011


This is pretty typiqual of me, but I haven't posted in the past few days because I can't find the necessary technology needed to transfer pictures from my camera to my computer. I hate technology.

The other night I took the time to actually create my first mood board a.k.a. inspiration board, and it's pretty awesome. I thought, "Gee, maybe I'll take a picture of it and put it on my blog so that the 2 people that actually read this thing can see it." And I thought this was a great idea. It was, until I couldn't find the card reader thing. FML!!!!1

I can't remember if I already wrote about this because I have the short term memory of a senile old man, but a few weekends ago I cut out a bunch of pictures from magazines, and sorted the pictures into three piles: Fashion, Beauty, and Art. I'm very organized. Everything on my computer has a folder. No joke. If something is that odd one out, the little awkward turtle, I make an "assorted" or "miscellaneous" folder, just for that, so that there's no extra document or picture just chillin' with a group of folders.

I digress.

Back to my 3 categories. The other night I made my Fashion inspiration board. The second that I find that connector gizmo I'll put the picture up.

Blast these confounded futuristic contraptions!

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